miércoles, 7 de junio de 2017


Last Friday we celebrated The 4th of July, Independence Day in the USA. We did lots of fun activities, a gymkhana, some crafts and traditional American games.
Our language assistants explained us how they celebrate this day in their states, with their family and friends.
It was great! Here you have a summary.... 


miércoles, 26 de abril de 2017

New corner!

Hello all!

You can make use of this new corner. It's been created by our 4th grade students pursuing an aim: Provide the school with positive vibes.

domingo, 2 de abril de 2017

Next months we will be trying out this educational platform that will help us learn English in a fun way by reading stories, listening to audio, and practicing exercises. On Monday you will receive the access keys and all the information to be able to use it at home! 

Los próximos meses empezaremos a utilizar esta plataforma educativa que nos ayudará a aprender Inglés de forma divertida a través de historias, audios y ejercicios prácticos. El lunes recibiréis las claves de acceso y toda la información para poder utilizarlo desde casa.

sábado, 11 de marzo de 2017

Theatre, theatre, theatre!!!!


Last wednesday our entire school enjoyed theatre in english!!!

First was Infantil pupils at 9:30, after at 11:00 was Primaria´s turn, they loved it and had lots of fun.

Infantil saw "Gulliver´s suitcase" and Primaria saw "The jungle book"

(¡¡¡El pasado miércoles el colegio entero se divirtió con el teatro en inglés!!!. Primero fueron los de infantil a las 9:30 y luego a las 11:00 fue el turno para primaria. Infantil vió "La maleta de Gulliver" y primaria vió "EL libro de la selva". Les encantó y se lo pasaron pipa).